Support Lyme and Tick-Borne Illness Recovery

Your Guide to Wellness and Transformation

Tick-borne Illnesses

Ticks unfortunately transmit many types of diseases, not just the most commonly known one, Lyme Disease. They also can transmit:

Tick-borne Illnesses

Reprogramming Subconscious Beliefs for Well-Being

This list is not fully comprehensive but gives you an idea of some of the other illnesses. I personally had Lyme, Bartonella, Anaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, heightened levels of EBV, HPV, leaky gut, leaky brain, all caused because of a tick bite. I did not get HPV from it but I feel that because my immune system was so severely comprised for so long, my body was unable to clear the infection on its own.

There are better ways to be tested than others. The standard two-tier testing usually covered by insurance is the ELISA test and Western blot. These tests are a good place to start but are only sadly, at best, 65% accurate for many reasons including but not limited to:

There are better ways to be tested than others. The standard two-tier testing usually covered by insurance is the ELISA test and Western blot. These tests are a good place to start but are only sadly, at best, 65% accurate for many reasons including but not limited to:

My symptoms started with fatigue and a weird sensation in the left side of my face. Then I began having memory issues, I would stutter when speaking, I got hives often, night sweats, insomnia, air hunger, anxiety, anger, sadness, inability to read or watch TV because I could not remember anything, social anxiety because I could not remember peoples’ names, and much heightened OCD. Eventually I started drinking a lot because doctors kept telling me there was nothing wrong with me except too much stress. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy at one point which I knew was not right, but they were seeing signs of brain inflammation. The shift sleep disorder stimulant did nothing for my fatigue.

After so many years, I gave up and did not talk about it to anyone since there was “nothing wrong with me” and became a hermit. I would cry a lot, pretty much every day. I did not understand what was happening. At about year six, I began to experience new symptoms like heart palpitations, hearing loss in my left ear, and extreme dizziness just doing simple things. I was scared I was going to crash on day driving because I was so tired and dizzy so I convinced myself to go back to a doctor. I came to accept that I was going to drop over dead one day prematurely, but I could not handle killing someone else because of my issue.

I am grateful I did because this doctor actually listened to me and gave the diagnosis I had begged for a name of what was ailing me for years. My ignorance at the time led me to believe that a few weeks of antibiotics would fix me. Ha! Nearly six years after my diagnosis and I am finally feeling fully healed from everything. I have been left here to help others find their way back to health and the light. Please let me know how I can help and support you on your journey.

I provide consulting on healing ideas, where to get good treatment, and work with clients to help them heal their bodies using a blend of all my trainings and teachings. Every little bit has helped me and I now can provide guidance for others. I wish I had someone like me at the start of my journey pointing me in the various directions that would help me heal. It would have saved me a lot of time and money, but I would not be who I am without the journey I am on. Never give up and know that you can heal too.